
No diving no life!

周 婉渝

沖縄那覇店勤務 2019年入社 中途採用

Why I decided to join mic21

I was born and raised in Taiwan, but I wanted to live in Okinawa, so I started looking for a new job.
At first, I trained at a diving shop in Naha and even became an instructor.

I love the sea, and I wanted to convey the charm of the sea to other people, so I came to mic21. mic21 is a large company, so foreigners can work there with peace of mind.
The Naha store receives many tourists from overseas, so we speak in Chinese, Japanese, and English. It’s a workplace where you can take on many challenges.

I think it’s fun to meet people who love the sea from all over the world.

The charm of working at mic21

mic21 is the world’s largest diving shop.
There are many opportunities for us to receive product explanations and other information directly from manufacturers that we don’t normally get to meet.

Another attraction is the conversation with our customers! I’m always excited to talk about the ocean with so many people, from those who are going to the ocean for the first time to those who have been diving for over 30 years.

What is important in my work

Continuing to love diving and the ocean. I will always remember the first time I was moved by the sea.

Everyone comes to our Naha store with different needs, but I think it will be helpful to have a lot of knowledge about equipment and stories about my experiences at sea so that they can fall in love with the sea even more.

What I want to try next

As a diver, I want to go diving in various places, so I would like to go on many diving tours.

I can speak Chinese, English, and Japanese, so I would like to enjoy diving with people from various countries.

We have many customers who are interested in diving in Taiwan, so we are planning to create many Taiwan diving tours in the future. Let’s go together then!

What I enjoyed and what was difficult about joining the company

I enjoy talking to customers the most.

Speaking of hardships, there were quite a few stresses such as living abroad alone and working in a different culture.
However, although there were some difficult times, as time passes, it will turn into fond memories.

I think it’s important to grow and overcome yourself.

schedule for one day

  • 11:00

    Attendance/to-do check for the day

  • 11:10

    morning assembly

  • 12:00


    customer service organize your luggage when your hands are free.
  • 14:00


  • 15:00

    Organizing customer

  • 20:00

    Closing work completed and leaving work.
